full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Bono: My wish Three actions for Africa

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The next thing I'd like to be clear about is what this problem is, and what this problem isn't. Because this is not all about charity. This is about justice. Really. This is not about charity. This is about justice. That's right. And that's too bad, because we're very good at charity. Americans, like Irish people, are good at it. Even the poorest neighborhoods give more than they can afford. We like to give, and we give a lot. Look at the response to the tsuamni — it's irsniping. But jusitce is a tougher standard than charity. You see, Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice. It makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties. It doubts our cnreocn. It questions our ctmeommint. Because there is no way we can look at what's happening in Africa, and if we're honest, conclude that it would ever be aolwled to hpeapn anywhere else.

Open Cloze

The next thing I'd like to be clear about is what this problem is, and what this problem isn't. Because this is not all about charity. This is about justice. Really. This is not about charity. This is about justice. That's right. And that's too bad, because we're very good at charity. Americans, like Irish people, are good at it. Even the poorest neighborhoods give more than they can afford. We like to give, and we give a lot. Look at the response to the _______ — it's _________. But _______ is a tougher standard than charity. You see, Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice. It makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties. It doubts our _______. It questions our __________. Because there is no way we can look at what's happening in Africa, and if we're honest, conclude that it would ever be _______ to ______ anywhere else.


  1. justice
  2. concern
  3. tsunami
  4. allowed
  5. inspiring
  6. happen
  7. commitment

Original Text

The next thing I'd like to be clear about is what this problem is, and what this problem isn't. Because this is not all about charity. This is about justice. Really. This is not about charity. This is about justice. That's right. And that's too bad, because we're very good at charity. Americans, like Irish people, are good at it. Even the poorest neighborhoods give more than they can afford. We like to give, and we give a lot. Look at the response to the tsunami — it's inspiring. But justice is a tougher standard than charity. You see, Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice. It makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties. It doubts our concern. It questions our commitment. Because there is no way we can look at what's happening in Africa, and if we're honest, conclude that it would ever be allowed to happen anywhere else.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
digital world 3
extreme poverty 2
million americans 2
american people 2

Important Words

  1. afford
  2. africa
  3. allowed
  4. americans
  5. bad
  6. charity
  7. clear
  8. commitment
  9. concern
  10. conclude
  11. doubts
  12. equality
  13. farce
  14. fool
  15. give
  16. good
  17. happen
  18. happening
  19. honest
  20. idea
  21. inspiring
  22. irish
  23. justice
  24. lot
  25. mocks
  26. neighborhoods
  27. people
  28. pieties
  29. poorest
  30. problem
  31. questions
  32. response
  33. standard
  34. tougher
  35. tsunami